Updated DIBELS 8 Materials

The most up-to-date DIBELS materials are marked with a 2023 date. These can be accessed through the Testing Materials page. The most significant change is an update to the PSF directions to change one of the example words. In addition to that there was inconsistency with the sounds for vowel-nk sounds in NWF scoring, those were all updated to make the /ng/ sound. There were some items updated to make the measures more culturally sensitive – for example items specifically talking about Native American communities. And, there were a few places where the tense of a word was incorrect – for example, 8th Grade ORF had the word citizen which in context should have been citizens. This is not an exhaustive list but gives an idea about what has been changed. If printing all new materials is cost or time prohibitive, we would recommend at least updating your PSF scoring sheets so that you have the correct directions.