Find administration timelines, benchmark goals, tips, guides, and other testing resources. Our free training videos provide an introduction to DIBELS assessment and tools. For more comprehensive professional development, see our list of certified trainers.
This list does not constitute an endorsement of any of the trainers. Our list is made available solely as a convenience and service to the public.
Contact Information: Website
Online professional development courses and trainer certification.
Lexie Domaradzki
Contact Information: lexiedom@gmail.com
Located in: Port Angeles, WA (willing to travel)
David Fainstein
Contact Information: dwfainstein@gmail.com
Located in: Vancouver, BC (willing to travel)
Dave Furjanic, Ph.D., NCSP
Contact Information: dfurjanic@gmail.com
Located in: Austin, TX (willing to travel)
Gail E. Lovette, Ph.D.
Contact Information: gel2fe@virginia.edu
Located in: Charlottesville, Virginia (will travel)
Julianne S. Masser, Ph.D.
Contact Information: juliannemasser@gmail.com
Located in: Boise, ID (2021-2022); Hanover, NH (2022-2027); (willing to travel)
Sarah McDonagh, Ph.D.
Contact Information: sarah@sarahmcdonaghliteracy.com
Located in: New South Wales, Australia (in person, virtual, willing to travel)
Shelby Skaanes
Contact Information: sjsedconsulting@comcast.net
Located in: Tacoma, Washington (will travel)
Marissa Suhr, Ph.D.
Contact Information: Marissa.l.pilger@gmail.com
Located in: Portland, Oregon (will travel)